Is lingering swelling holding you back after surgery or injury?

Justine is our MLDuk registered Senior Physiotherapist.
Here she offers 5 top tips for optimising your lymphatic health and healing:

1.Breathe Slow

Slow and let go on your exhale. This uses your diaphragm well, massages your internal organs and reduces tension in your upper body which can affect fluid return.


2. Stay Hydrated

So simple but we all need the occasional reminder to eep the lymphatic circulation flowing.

3. Move Well

Your nervous system works best when it's confident, with a spring in your step and don't fear getting active again.A tailored program can be made to suit your rehab needs. Just ask our reception team for an appointment with Justine.

4. Check for Blockages

Clothes shouldn't leave a dent across the body when you take them off. Scars should not restrict your movement. If you notice a problem, nip it in the bud with some professional advice from Blue Sky Physio.

5. Compression

Whether it be taping, bandages wraps or garments, getting the compression comfortable and getting moving in it is a well proven way of getting swelling down.

6. I said I'd keep it to 5 tips but of course there are loads more.

Call for a consult to get you back on form fast.


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